What if my Places Listing is Post Card Verification only?
Post card verification for Google Places Listings was introduced to provide proof of a business's physical address in cases where those listings have a low overall trust-score. For instance, if the listing information does not match the information held by Google, or in cases where numerous businesses are verified with the same address and phone number, Google will usually opt for the post card verification method.
As most of you will know, Google Places for business gathers business data from several major data compilers who produce an overall 'confidence score' for each and every listing. At the same time Google also scrapes business data from the various local directories known for maintaining accurate updates. This is how Google ascertains your Google Places listing's overall 'Trust Score'.
When optimizing Your Google Places listing, this counts for a lot.
Think of this Trust-Score like you do of your personal credit score which Google uses to assess your listing's reputability for ranking purposes. In essence Google is determining whether or not the listed business is legitimately associated with the claimed address. Remember that Google wants to provide quality content, and that one way of proving the quality of your business data is through 'citation development'.
Also remember that the reason we are going into depth regarding Confidence Score and Trust Score, is that Google is asking you to verify your Places Listing by post card instead of the usual telephone methods. Effectively this means that Google does not have a high level of trust in your business's submitted physical location. By verifying your listing by post card, you're working to increase the overall Trust Score of your Google Places Listing.
After verification you should also ask yourself a question: "Am I creating a Google Places Listing simply to be included or am I creating it to gain rankings and extra profits?" If you're after rankings and profits you need to start thinking about how to maximize your overall Trust Score, since it not only helps with your company's future ability to carry out phone verification, but because it also increases your rankings when someone is searching for your service in your locality.
To increase your overall trust score and build up Google's confidence in your Google Places profile, feel free to contact us Monday through Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm (PST) on 1-800-890- 8940. We are here to help navigate your listing through all the complex algorithms of Google Places.