My Places Listing is not showing up at all
Every once in awhile we get inquiries from business owners who've recently verified their Google Places listings via the PIN code, and are now frantically searching for their teardrop on the map.
The thing to do in cases like this is to step back, relax a little, and remember that Google can take up to thirty days to complete its verification procedures.
During this time, Google is crawling the Web and comparing your Places entry against whatever references it can find for your business. And, given the fact that there are many thousands of places for Google to check your company's information, this process usually takes a little while. If you want to see what your listing looks like in its live state, try searching Google Maps for your business name and phone number. This will show you how your live Google Places listing looks while it's still in the pending state. One thing to look out for is a blue bar-tab called 'More about this Place'. If you can't see this tab, then your listing is still in the verification process.
Also, if you've only just PIN-code verified your listing, then it can take a couple of days for Google to post your live listing.
Of course, if you find that your listing isn't ranking in its 'rightful place' once it's been verified, feel free to contact us to see how we can help you to elevate your Google Places Listing into a large profit stream.